How To Talk To Women - Bring Out Your "A" Game


Hot To Talk To Hot Women - Bring Out Your "A" Game

Do you need useful tips on how to talk to women?  Here are few that you should consider whenever you cross paths with a woman to whom you are attracted and wish to start a conversation with:

  • ·         Being yourself is not always wise.  If you are obnoxious, uncouth and inappropriate most of the time, make sure that you practice your tongue to become more cultured and friendly. 

  • ·         If you think that there are absolute rules on how to talk to women, you are wrong.  Different strokes for different folks still apply in this case although it is safe to assume that hot women are a lot more confident than not so good looking women. 

  • ·         Respect for the fairer sex is always a good thing to practice regardless of whether they choose to wear clingy blouses and hip hugging jeans.  You have a better shot at a great verbal exchange with them if you come across as a polite man who value manners and good graces.

  • ·         Smile.  There are many ways to communicate with women that do not include words.  In fact, most hot women are attracted to men who can make their spine tingle just by looking right in their eyes, piercing and searching. 

  • ·         Hot women appreciate witty guys especially those who have a great sense of humour.  Sometimes, it does not even matter if you are not that good looking as long as you can make the pretty girls laugh.  You are in a better position that those guys who look like underwear models if you are charming both in your manners as well as in your words. 

  • ·         When talking to women, you have to look presentable at the very least and you have to smell good too.  In public places where you will most certainly stand close to the woman at some point, it is important that you smell clean and nice otherwise she will most likely be repulsed by you which will bring the conversation to a crashing halt.

The golden rule on conversations with beautiful women is basically to be the exact opposite of what they are.  Since they are likely to scorch the floor on which they stand, you have a better chance of getting them to look at you if you are a little less noticeable-an oxymoron that really works in the dating scene and proven by many men who once dreamed of landing great looking ladies. 

If you’re interested in learning more on how to talk to women in a FREE Mp3 audio course visit: